Congress Wrap Up
Congress Wrap Up

Congress Wrap Up

We are wrapping up Congress with several activities. Some of the activities will be a small pre-selected group, others will be by yourself. All activities are due at the beginning of the next class.

Activity #1-Small Group
Congress crossword. This crossword contains key terms that you should know about Congress. The clues are below.

Congress Crossword Clues

Activity #2- Individual
Read the editorial on the Senate’s plan for the filibuster. Your task is write a reply to the editorial. You may agree or disagree. You must provide specific examples for your stance.

The Senate Stakes on the Filibuster

Activity #3-Small Group
Complete the Congress FRQ. Below you will find a FRQ on Congress. This FRQ requires that you think like the Framers. You may answer this on a sheet of paper found on the counter. Be sure that all names are on the sheet.

Congress FRQ A